A Little About Our Little Girl
January 13, 2013
This is the face of a little girl who didn't eat her dinner but insists she still needs a cookie... and then she gives her daddy a little smile, strokes his cheeks with her tiny hand, and get's her cookie...
Emily: "Mommy, say 'let me go!'"
Me: "let me go..."
Emily: "Nev-ahhhhhhh!!! Muah ah ah!"
She has recently discovered a love of jumping. She jumps and jumps with no real reason other than just to jump. And she is always so proud and eager to hear our praises when she finishes her little jumping spells. When she jumps she does a huge squat, pushes off as hard as she can, holds her breath, and barely gets 2 inches off the ground. When she comes back down she lands with straight legs on the heals of her flat feet and lets out a big sigh of relief. It's pretty much the cutest.
I loved that "learning to jump" phase. It's hilarious.