My Boy in a Bowtie
April 22, 2013
Oh man, that's all I have to say. I picked up this little bow tie for my Hudsey guy and just about died yesterday when I put it on him before church. I mean seriously though, he's just so dapper looking with his little bow tie and faux-hawk, well I guess as dapper as an almost seven month old can look with drool all over his shirt.
A Little of What's Coming
April 20, 2013
Preschool Graduate
April 19, 2013
Her favorite center was painting, her favorite song and dance was tootie tot and bear hunt, and she loved playing in the sandbox and recess. Every single day my floor would be caked in sand after taking her shoes off when we got home.
At the end of the year they sent each child home with a bound portfolio of all of their photos and activities from the year. It is such a neat keepsake to have to remember her at this sweet stage. I also wanted to make sure that before I left, after dropping her off for her last day, that we would have some photos of her favorite things from preschool.
Happy Birthday to me!
Nature Walk
April 5, 2013
The babes and I went on a little "nature walk" the other day. We explored trees, gathered rocks, sticks, flowers and leaves, and I brought my camera. I wanted to capture their sweet curiosity even doing something as simple as walking around our neighborhood. I love all of the little treasures we were able to take home with us, including this little video.
Enjoy :)
March 31, 2013
Egg Hunts
March 30, 2013

March 29, 2013
These little girls LOVE to bake. They pretty much just love to be in the kitchen, period. Kylie would seriously rather watch the Food Network over any cartoon and when 4pm rolls around, the world stops because Giada De Laurentiis is on TV. She is her idol, I'd even goes as far as to say she's obsessed.
Kylie was sooo excited to be able to crack the eggs all by herself. I didn't give her any instructions since she told me that she already knew how to do it (from watching Giada I'm sure), so I just watched. She cracked it on the side of the bowl with so much confidence, until it oozes all over her hands. She was so surprised and disgusted. It was pretty hilarious. Ever since, every time I go to crack an egg, she chimes in and is sure to tell me she does NOT want to do the eggs anymore.