24 weeks
June 14, 2012
We got to see baby brother again yesterday :) It’s good to have a good relationship with your OB so you get to see your little guy pretty much whenever you want. He’s getting big and cramped. It’s amazing to me (even with this third pregnancy) that there’s a little person in that big soccer-ball-belly that I’ve been growing. And he loves to kick his mommy, oh boy, does he ever… The girls think my big belly is funny. I think Emily gets annoyed by it sometimes when she is trying to cuddle, she even politely asked me to move it once so she could get a little more comfy. Kylie pokes baby brother and hides stickers on the underside of my tummy where I can’t see them. They are both getting excited about seeing and holding their baby brother. I asked Ky what she thinks BB is going to look like and she told me he’s going to have red hair and blue eyes. I said, “Like Emily?” “No! (laughs) Baby Brother is a BOY! (and then more laughing, rolling her eyes, and shaking her head)”
It’s crazy to think that when Kylie was Emily’s age now, Emily had already been with us for almost a month. I still feel like Em is too little to be a big sister; she’s the baby. But I remember thinking that when Ky was the “baby” too. It’s crazy how much they seem to grow up as baby day gets closer. We’ve already noticed Em turning into a mini big girl, and Ky, well she’s 3 going on 13 and our little mommy anyway.
So there you go: 24 weeks along, living life, fat and happy… some of us a little fatter than others…
Happy Tears! I miss you so much. But I get to see you in 15 weeks.... you know what that means :) Baby brother will be here in less time than this photo! Yeah! Love you