That's My Girl!

October 12, 2010

On Monday, Kylie and I were playing in the living room while Emie was napping in her swing. Kylie insisted on bringing all of her teddy bears out of her bedroom and into the living room (which is completely normal- by the end of the day we usually have every toy Kylie owns lying on the floor in there). But then, she did this:
She got them all lined up and placed in the perfect pose then had a seat right next to "Daddy Bear" and said, "Mama, t-iture! Cheeeeeeese!" and this was before I even had my camera out. Of course I ran and grabbed it, then she insisted on helping me take the pictures of her bears too. So I pulled out my trusty old rebel and let her have at it. She knew just how to hold it and even where to push the trigger button. 
 It may seem silly, but it made me feel very proud to see my little girl taking pictures just like her mama. She often walks around the house taking "t-itures" and telling Mike or myself exactly where to stand and how to pose.
 We got a lot of pictures of blurry bears and mama's feet, but then Ky took this one of Em. I actually really love it.

ti ti –   – (October 19, 2010 at 9:09 AM)  

She's a natural :)

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