Christmas Eve {part two}

December 27, 2010

When I think of Christmas Eve I think of warm and comfy new jammies, drinking hot cocoa and cuddling by the fire, setting out cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer, singing Christmas carols, and now I will also remember reading one very special book...

The Rolly Polly Snowman. My mom made this book when my sister and I were Kylie and Emily's age. She first read it to us while we sat on her lap 23 years ago. What a tender moment it was to see all of those sweet memories coming flooding back to my mom. (and yes, she cried :) love you mom).

Hugs for Sissy

And then we climbed back up on Mom's lap for a quick trip down memory lane. I think we fit a little better back then...

Mimi and all her girls.

Mommy and Daddy enjoying some Christmas Eve cuddles.

And like I mentioned, no Christmas Eve is complete without some caroling. I don't know who brought it up but somehow we ended the night with Mimi, Titi and Mommy performing the "12 days of Christmas" with it's accompanying dance (from our community theater days). The girls got a real kick out of that one!

We woke up the next morning to a Christmas tree overwhelmed with presents. Kylie and Emily were both spoiled with lots of clothes and toys from Mimi and Bapo and Titi. (And Mommy and Daddy were spoiled pretty good too :)

Merry Christmas!

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