Beauty Parlor

May 27, 2010

Kylie is one of those few toddlers in the world that actually loves to get her hair done and sits still while Mommy pulls and styles her hair. Some afternoons, we play "beauty parlor" in the living room. Kylie sits on her chair, I sit behind her and she lets me play. And she really does like it as much as I do! A couple days ago we pulled out the foam curlers and gave her pretty little locks some volume. She enjoyed holding the bag of curlers and handing them to me one at a time, I felt like she was such a big girl.

Do these foam rollers bring back memories of your childhood like they do mine?

titi –   – (May 28, 2010 at 12:18 AM)  

hey that's my job!!! haha it feels like it was just yesterday with us xox miss you feutes

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