August 17, 2008
Welcome to our newest family blog. We love keeping in contact with our friends and family this way and are so excited to introduce our little bundle of joy to everyone! Oh, by the way...
We are having a BABY on TUESDAY!!!
We are having a BABY on TUESDAY!!!
Wish us Luck!
Congratulations on the new baby! We're so excited for you and hope everything goes well! =D
--Lance and Leanna
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. She is a beauty! Here's to sleeping through the night!
Sharon and Katie Glennon
Ms. Erica - I always said the women in this family do great work. Congratulations to the 3 of you.
Now, if you would please send me your address, I would be happy to forward a few things for Miss Kylie and I would like to do it before she becomes a high school cheerleader, please!
Love to all,
Great Grandma Carolyn
Wow! Awsome!! Congradulations, You are such a cute and blessed famly,
Thanks for sharing your specaial moments.
love yas
Aunt Janice